Saturday, 20 April 2013

Media Evaluation - Transcript of Presentation

This is the transcript that I would have used in my presentation of my media evaluation. It includes topic such as target audience and conventions that may or may not have been used.

Final Product - Rock Magazine Double Page Spread

This double page spread is rather basic, which I feel makes it more accessible for the audience. The singular central image draws the attention and makes the spread less busy. The capital letters of one of the word 'DESTROYED' draws the attention of the reader and sets the mood of the rest of the article, although the past tense of it makes the article seem lighter that originally thought. The text of the article overlaps the image, which almost connects the two together, as well as indicating that the story is more important than the image on its own.

Final Product - Rock Magazine Contents Page

This contents page contains the conventions of a magazine - such as the editors note, magazine features showing which pages the articles are on as well as images which relate to the articles mentioned. However, the fact that the contents page is spread over two pages is not typical of a magazine. This sets the magazine apart from others of its kind.

Final Product - Rock Magazine Front Cover

This is the final front cover of my rock magazine. It stays true to the final mock up and contains all of the conventions which are typical of a magazine, as well as staying within the themes seen in other, well known rock magazines.

Friday, 19 April 2013

This is the presentation that I would have given on my magazine. It is an evaluation of sorts and goes with the transcript which has also been posted.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Final Product - Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

I have created this spider diagram to help me with my final evaluation. I will use the points that I have given on the page, and I will explain them within the evaluation. The points that I have provided are similar to the double page spreads that can be found in other magazines of this genre, and have incorporated into my own.

Final Product - Magazine Contents Page Analysis

I did this analysis to help with my evaluation of my magazine. Within it, I have siad what conventions I have taken from other rock magazines and have incorporated into my own magazine. These point will be explained more fully in my final evaluation.

Final Product - Magazine Front Cover Analysis

I created this to help with my evaluation. Each box shows a convention which I used on the front cover and gives a brief explanation which will be covered more within my evaluation.

Final Mock Up of Magazine Double Page Spread

This mock up is similar to the first mock up, although there is more information as opposed to images. The central image is still over the two pages, as is the article, but there are no secondary images in the bottom right hand corner of the right page. I feel that this makes the magazine seem more like a magazine than the first mock up.

Final Mock Up of Magazine Contents Page

This is the final mock up of my contents pages of my magazine. This mock up differs a lot from the first mock up, mainly because it is over two pages. I have done this so that I could spread out the content more, so that it is easier for the audience to read. I think that the fact that the contents page is spread across two pages is quite unconventional, as the contents page is typically, only over one page. In this version of the mock up, the information is more clearly laid out and there is more information - such as the editors note - which was not included in the first mock up.

Final Mock Up of Magazine Front Cover

This is my final mock up for the front cover of my media product. I changed it to be more informative for the audience, and although it loks similar to the first mock up, I feel that it is more informative. There is only one image on the cover, which I feel makes the article that goes with it, seem the most important article in the magazie. I have also planned to use buzz words and have planned some sort of competition, which I did not include on the first mock up.

First Mock Up of Double Page Spread

This is my first mock up of the double page spread. This would only contain one central image, spread across the two pages. There is then four secondary images in the bottom right hand corner of the right page. The images would be on a diagonal and overlapped to give it a more personal feel. The effect of this would make the double page spread seem more relaxed and make the magazine as a whole appear more relaxed. The main heading would be over the top of the central image and the main article would go around the image, also spread over the double page spread.

First Mock Up of Magazine Contents Page

My first mock up of my contents page contains both conventional and slightly unconventional in the way in which the title 'contents' would be diagonally across the page. The top part of the magazine would be dedicated to what is inside the magazine, including buzz words and the coverline from the front cover. The part of the page below the diagonal 'contents' would be dedicated to images which relate to the main cover image from the cover of the magazine. This is slightly different from other magazines, whilst also still maintaining the conventional ideas of a magazine.

First Mock Up of Final Magazine

This is my first mock up for my final product. It includes all of the conventions of a magazine and is spread out in a way in which would appeal to the audience. This is only my first mock up as I feel that it is very basic and it could be improved a great deal.

Research Questions for Focus Group

These are the questions which were asked to a focus group to help with my final product - the focus group was fimed on a camera. The questions were used for me to find out what the consumer would look for in a rock magazine. The questions covered everything from font and colours to free gifts.

Mood Board Showing Different Female Rock Artists

This mood board was to help me to see the different camera angles used and the syle of the photographs in general - such as poses and lighting effects. This will help me with my own photography.

Mood Board of Different Rock Magazines

The idea behind this mood board was to help me with the creation of my own rock magazine. I could use the same conventions which are used in these magazines so that I can stay true to genre. The names of the magazines are also on the mood board so that I could see the kind of style that this type of magazine demands.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Main Article Ideas Mood Board

I created this mood board to help to brain storm ideas for my main article in my magazine. Although I did not go with any of these ideas for my final media product, it helped me to get to the article that I had in the end product. It also gave me the idea of a theme for my magazine - like a one off special - which turned out to be a 'Girls Issue' of the rock magazine.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Double Page Spread Analyses

These double page spread analyses show how the branding created on the front cover is continued throughout the magazine. It also shows how the magazine has managed to entice its target audience into reading the magazine.

Music Magazine Analyses - Contents Pages

These magazine contents page analyses of 'Classic Rock' and 'Kerrang' magazine show how the branding is continued throughout the magazine and shows how I should make my magazine contents page.

Music Magazine Front Cover Analyses

These front cover analyses of 'Kerrang' and 'Metal Hammer' shows the features of these magazines, showing how thay could appeal to the target audiences.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Preliminary Task - School Magazine Front Cover

This is my first attempt at creating my own magazine front cover. This is for the Preliminary Task - creating a school magazine front cover.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013


Preliminary Task:


Long Shot Conveying Isolation                                           Extreme Close Up Conveying Time


 Close Up Conveying Anger

In each of these photographs, I tried to think of connotations as opposed to denotations. In the second photograph, anger is portrayed through the red light on the knife and the connotations that the knife holds with it. As with the third photograph, I tried to think outside of time in the literal sense and thought about how I could suggest time through another medium, resulting in the extreme close up of the school bell. This shows time as time is associated with school bells, signalling a particular time. The first photograph is of isolation. I thought that the figure sitting in the centre focus with the dark edges around the edges showed the isolation more clearly and draws the attention to this figure.